Introduction Courses

CIArb’s Introduction to ADR course provides a solid beginner’s understanding of the various methods of dispute resolution that are alternative to court proceedings.

There are many different types of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and the skills associated with them are highly regarded and appreciated by employers and organisations.

This course aims to give candidates:

  • A background understanding of ADR
  • An understanding of how ADR can support dispute cases
  • The ability to describe the processes and procedures of ADR
  • Eligibility to become an Associate member of CIArb (ACIArb)

The Introduction to ADR course can be taken online and also face-to-face.

Please note: CIArb Introduction courses can also be taken in domestic arbitration, international arbitration, construction adjudication and mediation but, currently, these are only available via our virtual classroom.

Upon successful completion of any introduction course and its assessment, candidates can apply to become an Associate member of CIArb.

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3rd Mediation Conference

Mediation in a changing world

25th October | Ole Sereni Hotel