Pathway Course

All Pathways consists of three modules. Candidates who successfully complete Module 1 and its assessment can apply for Membership of CIArb at member level (MCIArb). Candidates who then complete Modules 2 and 3 along with their assessments and a Peer Interview, can apply for Membership of CIArb at fellow level (FCIArb).

Domestic Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) where one or more person(s) are appointed to hear a case that takes place within one jurisdiction. The award is binding and enforceable in court.

Undertaking this Pathway does not require a law background but a primary profession and will benefit all who wish to gain an understanding of the subject.

Our Pathway

CIArb’s Pathway in Domestic Arbitration is a valuable opportunity for anyone who wants to learn the skills required to provide an award during a domestic arbitration case.

The pathway has three modules:

1. Module 1 Law, Practice and Procedure

• Fundamental principles of the arbitration process

• Management of an arbitral reference

• Tribunal duties and procedural choices

2. Module 2 Contract & Tort

• Relevant sources of law

• Evaluate & apply contractual & tortions remedies

3. Module 3 Evidence, Decision Making and Award Writing of Domestic Arbitration

• Recognizing & evaluating evidence

• Identifying and dealing with issues that arise

• Ability to write an enforceable Award

This Pathway is designed to provide flexible learning through a combination of self-study, and either virtual or face-to-face tuition.

Successful completion of the modules and their assessments will allow you to apply for varying grades of CIArb membership.

International Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution where one or more person(s) are appointed to hear and give an award in an international dispute. The award can be enforced in court.

Undertaking this Pathway does not require a law background and will benefit all who wish to gain an understanding of the subject.

Our Pathway

CIArb’s International Arbitration Pathway will be beneficial for anyone wishing to develop a deeper understanding of the international law, practice and procedure of international arbitration. The modules on this pathway are:

  • Module 1 Law, Practice and Procedure
  • Module 2 Law of Obligations
  • Module 3 Evidence, Decision Making and Award Writing of International Arbitration

This Pathway is designed to provide flexible learning through a combination of self-study, and either virtual or face-to-face tuition.

Successful completion of the modules and their assessments will allow you to apply for varying grades of CIArb membership.

Construction Adjudication is a form of dispute resolution that allows parties to get a binding decision on construction cases without long and expensive court proceedings. 

Undertaking this Pathway does not require a law background and will benefit all who wish to gain an understanding of construction adjudication.

Our Pathway

The Construction Adjudication Pathway is worthwhile for anyone wishing to understand the law, practice and procedure of construction adjudication.

The modules on this pathway are:

  • Module 1 Law, Practice and Procedure
  • Module 2 Law of Obligations
  • Module 3 Construction Adjudication Drafting, Evidence and Decision Writing

This Pathway is designed to provide flexible learning through a combination of self-study, and either virtual or face-to-face tuition.

Successful completion of the modules and their assessments will allow you to apply for varying grades of CIArb membership.

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) where a third party is appointed to help the parties involved in the dispute come to a mutually acceptable agreement.

Undertaking this Pathway does not require a law background and will benefit all who wish to gain an understanding of mediation.

Our Pathway

Mediation is an important and highly appreciated form of ADR. It is an informal and private process where disputes are resolved by an independent and impartial mediator. The process of mediation is a fast, flexible, and less expensive alternative to litigation.

This pathway has three modules:

  • Module 1 Mediation Training and Assessment
  • Module 2 Law of Obligations
  • Module 3 Mediation Theory and Practice

Successful completion of the modules and their assessments will allow you to apply for varying grades of CIArb membership.

*CIArb Members – Kes. 47,000

*YMG – Kes. 30,000

*Discounted Prices