Professionals who have experience of domestic / international arbitration practice or construction adjudication and wish to join the membership of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators may do so by applying for either the Accelerated Route to Member or Fellow programs

Accelerated routes to Membership (MCIArb) and Fellowship (FCIArb)

  • This 3-day Accelerated Route to Membership (ARM) in Construction Adjudication, International Arbitration or Domestic Arbitration allows those with a minimum of three years of practical experience in law and some knowledge of these forms of alternative dispute resolution* to be assessed and, upon passing, have the opportunity to become a Member of CIArb (MCIArb).
  • This 5-day Accelerated Route to Fellowship (ARF) in Construction Adjudication, International Arbitration or Domestic Arbitration are for those with a minimum of 10 years of practical experience in the relevant field of ADR either as a representative or a practitioner*. On successfully completing the assessments provided, candidates can apply for peer interviews to become CIArb Fellow (FCIArb).

*If you would like to book any of these accelerated courses, or to find out more about specific entry criteria, please contact the education & programs manager on +254 722200496