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The ADR Journal is a publication by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), Kenya that spearheads intellectual discourse on pertinent and germane issues in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and other related fields of knowledge.

It offers a platform where scholars, ADR practitioners, judicial officers, law lecturers and students can share knowledge, ideas, emerging jurisprudence and reflects on the practice of ADR. The Journal is aimed towards advancing the growth of ADR as a viable tool for the management of disputes in Kenya and across the globe.

The role of ADR in access to justice has gained recognition in the recent past. In Kenya, the Constitution advocates for the promotion of ADR mechanisms towards achieving access to justice. The Journal addresses some of the current concerns and challenges facing ADR mechanisms and proposes recommendations towards enhancing the suitability of ADR mechanisms in the quest towards Access to Justice.

The ADR Journal is devoted to the highest quality academic standards. It is peer reviewed and refereed in order to achieve this goal.

Vol. 13 (2024) Issue 1

Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Kariuki Muigua, FCIArb, C.Arb