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Membership of CIArb

CIArb members include leading dispute resolution practitioners from
many different sectors and professional backgrounds but we also
welcome newcomers with an interest in ADR.

CIArb membership is essential for:

  • People who use ADR skills in their existing job
  • Professional advisers: lawyers and other professional advisers
  • Practitioners: people who are, or aspire to be, practising arbitrators, mediators or adjudicators

Benefits of CIArb membership

  • A prestigious, globally-recognised qualification
  • Use of recognisable post-nominal letters ACIArb, MCIArb, FCIArb
  • Access to a worldwide professional community and global networking opportunities
  • Continuing professional development (CPD) through a programme of events and courses
  • Free subscription to CIArb’s leading quarterly journal, Arbitration (worth over £250) and free access to CIArb’s library at the Maughan Library, London
  • The Resolver magazine, regular CIArb updates, members’ area of the CIArb website, weekly Linex Legal alerter service (worth £100)
  • Professional advice and guidance including a dispute resolution advice service and authoritative practice guidelines
  • Discounts on a range of products and services, professional indemnity insurance and events

Criteria and qualifications for membership


  • The minimum criteria for eligibility is that an applicant must have either:
  • passed one of CIArb’s Introductory Assessments; or
  • completed a recognised equivalent or exempt course; or
  • demonstrated the level of experience in the relevant field as required by CIArb and provide evidence to that effect with the application.


  • 15 Email Account
  • 100 GB Space
  • 1 Domain Name


  • 15 Email Account
  • 100 GB Space
  • 1 Domain Name

*CIArb Members – Kes. 47,000

*YMG – Kes. 30,000

*Discounted Prices