State of ADR Discussion

The State of ADR in Kenya roundtable discussion was the 2nd edition. The event sought to keep a score card on how Kenya as a country is doing in its use of ADR as a tool to access justice. Article 159 2 of the constitution of Kenya clearly articulates the use of ADR as a recourse to justice and its use in resolution of disputes. The judiciary has also been charged with its promotion, a role that it has taken most diligently as is showcased by its strategic plan commonly known as STAJ. other stakeholders have also been pivotal in taking up their respective roles in its promotion. From training, to appointments, to capacity building to creating awareness to name a few.

Every two years, Ciarb Kenya with the help of Stakeholders, has carried out research into the State of ADR in Kenya to develop a report that gives sight to how each of the respective ADR mechanism is fairing.

The aim is to appreciate how far we have come, identify gaps and opportunities, challenges and impediments and at the end of the day take part in this stakeholder’s discussion on how best to proceed into the future, all cards on the table using data driven decision making strategies.

The Roundtable discussion was a free event that took place on Friday 8th December 2023 at the Mercure hotel in Nairobi

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CIArb Nigeria Conference

This year’s CIARB Nigeria conference theme was “Back to the Basics.” It provided an opportunity for the ADR community to network and share knowledge.

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