CIArb Nigeria Conference

This year’s CIARB Nigeria conference theme was “Back to the Basics.” It provided an opportunity for the ADR community to network and share knowledge.

CIArb Kenya 3rd Mediation Conference Recap

The CIArb Kenya 3rd Mediation Conference, held under the theme “Mediation in a Changing World,” brought together a diverse group of practitioners, academics, and stakeholders from various sectors to explore the evolving landscape of mediation in today’s dynamic environment

ADR Forum

RPC (Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP) hosted the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Kenya Branch’s forum on ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Judiciary’, featuring the distinguished Hon. Chief Justice and Hon. Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Kenya

New Fellows

The Ciarb Kenya Branch had the privilege of training the judges of the Supreme Court in Arbitration this past year including the President of the Supreme Court, Hon the Chief Justice Martha Koome.

CIArb @ 40 International ADR Conference

The YMG conference kick started our Ciarb Kenya at 40 celebrations with indepth discussions on the theme pioneering new Frontiers for Young ADR practitioners.

Book Launch

CIArb Kenya appreciates the CJ for leading the book launch and also congratulates her for the launch of her publication entitled “A Multidoor Exploration of Dispute Resolution in Kenya: Unlocking Justice.”

MOU Signing

In marking the Ciarb Kenya at 40 conference we had the privilege of signing an MOU with UNICAF that will see Ciarb Members get upto 80% scholarships in universities abroad from Bachelors.