Message from the Chairman’s Desk

Distinguished members of the Board, Institute and Secretariat,

I am delighted to have had the opportunity to serve you all and in the first instance I take this opportunity to welcome all the new and prospective members to CIARB Kenya.

The past 3 months have been a whirlwind of activity so allow me to single out the CIARB International Arbitration in Diani at the end of July 2023 which was graced by H.E. The Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, the CIARB Global Vice President Prof Mohamed Wahab and the CIARB Africa Trustee Dr. Chikwendu Madumere during which our members and partners not only engaged in exciting discussions revolving contemporary, evolving and emerging issues within the Arbitration and ADR space but also enjoyed the world famous white sandy beaches of Watamu. August 2023 saw us cross the border to Zanzibar to celebrate the 10th East African International Arbitration Conference where our members and Institute excelled and we all had the opportunity to interact and network with the African Arbitration and ADR community. Special recognition goes out to you all for being crowned the 2nd Runner Up African Arbitral Institution and our icons, SC Prof. Githu Muigai C.Arb/F.CIArb, SC John Ohaga C.Arb/F.CIArb and SC Kamau Karori C.Arb/F.CIArb who in typical Kenyan fashion delivered a hattrick Arbitrator of the Year Award Category. Leyla Ahmed F.CIArb also emerged 1st Runners Up in the Young Arbitrator Category.

Since June 2023 we have had wonderful, enriching and very promising engagements with our partners and peer institutions as catalogued in this edition of eSplash and these have resulted in exciting Webinars with the Law Society of Kenya and Peer Institutions in the Built Environment Industry. We have also made preliminary steps to engage with the Insurance Sector as as well. In addition to this we have planned several pathway and non-pathway training programs in the months of October and November 2023 for both the private and public sectors and you are invited to participate.

Our academics continue to impress with the CIARB ADR Journal led by its Editor in Chief Dr. Kariuki Muigua C.Arb/FCIArb and we are looking forward to enhance the scope of our Research and Publication complement.

In addition to this do note that the final quarter of the year boasts the 2nd CIARB Mediation Conference, the Built Environment Conference, the Status of ADR and CIARB Arbitration & ADR Awards as a prelude to usher in the 40th anniversary of the establishment of CIARB in Kenya.

I thank you all for your overwhelming support thus far and look forward to many more exciting engagements in the very near future.

Jacqueline Waihenya C.Arb/FCIArb

Chairman CIARB Kenya

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